Organizational Culture and Diversity

We believe the quality of our services is enhanced by a diverse workforce representing different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences resulting in a more productive and capable organizational culture.  Our commitment to promoting and valuing a diverse workforce is reflected in our recruitment efforts.  We actively seek to hire minority candidates, individuals with disabilities, as well as individuals with a “lived experience.”

Riverside promotes a culture of open communication between staff and managers.  The President/CEO and other members of senior management are accessible and available, regularly visiting staff in their programs/worksites.  Staff is actively encouraged to participate in a variety of advocacy activities in support of the work we do.  In fact, Riverside’s President/CEO offers ongoing training for staff on effective advocacy. 

Riverside strives for a culture of mutual respect among all stakeholders of the organization—staff, the people we serve and their families, volunteers, interns and all of our service partners.  Our Mutual Respect Statement is proudly displayed in each program and administrative site as an active reminder of the importance of mutual respect in our culture.  

Click to view our Wellness, Recovery and Empowerment Statement

Click to view our Mutual Respect Statement